
Today’s coaching was a duo session with Juli and Wiam. I didn’t have many questions, because last week I focussed on finding a workplace (which I found!!) and building this website. Talking with Wiam was interesting since he is a filmmaker, and my project doesn’t have much to do with filmmaking. But his storytelling perspective was an interesting view on how I should market my product. The branding of my idea is as important as the product itself because I’m focused on a specific target audience.

Target audience

My target audience would much exist out of young higher educated people, probably city-based with an average and above average income. They are concerned about the climate, and want to make a positive impact but are probably busy with their jobs/families to make to much effort. They want to feel good with a quick and effortless solution. Next to this group, my target audience also focuses on tech-savvy individuals who like to mod and upgrade their equipment/appliances. They are more interested in green, small businesses, are idealistic, and value open-source hardware.

Think of your marketing

Wiam gave some good examples of companies with an effective marketing plan. Oatly is a perfect example of a brand focussed on my first target audience. With nice, clean graphics and feel-good information on their packages. When you buy Oatly you’ll feel better about your ecological footprint compared to when buying milk. Oatly also uses humor to communicate their message.


Another example is Pieter Pot. Same story as above, they communicate their vision in a clear way.

